
Merry Christmas Cards N.1.2.3

and here they are! My first pack of Christmas Cards for the season. I have rescued those little Marten, watercolor drawings that I did some Christmas ago, with a Santa Claus red hat.
You can purchase this Christmas card  /HERE/
You can purchase this Christmas card  /HERE/
You can purchase this Christmas card  /HERE/


"Alles Gute" -Postcard

I am preparing a pack of Greetings and Christmas Cards, coming soon!
And in the meanwhile I left you one of them. It is in german (I will do the english version, and the spanish if someone want it too :)
Hoping you like them!
You can purchase this Christmas card  /HERE/


Petits Jeux N.10

I am back with my little games of colors and shapes.
If you want to see the whole series at the moment (still working on) go /HERE/

"Petits Jeux N.10"
Gouache & china ink.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")


Autumn Poem N.5

The fifth painting of this "Autumn Poems" Series.
If you want to see more Horse Chestnuts drawings, you can visit my other site /HERE/.
"Autumn Poem N.5"
Gouache & Sepia ink on old book.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")
/You can buy the ORIGINAL here/

Autumn Poem N.4

The fourth painting of this "Autumn Poems" Series.
If you want to see more Horse Chestnuts drawings, you can visit my other site /HERE/.
"Autumn Poem N.4"
Gouache & Sepia ink on old book.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")
/You can buy the ORIGINAL here/

Autumn Poem N.3

The third painting of this "Autumn Poems" Series.
If you want to see more Horse Chestnuts drawings, you can visit my other site /HERE/.
"Autumn Poem N.3"
Gouache & charcoal on old book.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")
/You can buy the ORIGINAL here/


Autumn Poem N.2

The second painting of this "Autumn Poems" Series.
If you want to see more Horse Chestnuts drawings, you can visit my other site /HERE/.
"Autumn Poem N.2"
Gouache & charcoal on old book.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")
/You can buy the ORIGINAL here/


Autumn Poem N.1

This painting is the first of the project "Autumn Poems". They are Autumn still life drawings of leaves and nuts, with ochre, siena colors on an old vintage book. ("War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoi on a german version).
"Autumn Poem N.1"
Gouache & charcoal on old book.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")
/You can buy the PRINT here/


Petits Jeux N.9

If you want to see the whole series at the moment (still working on) go /HERE/

"Petits Jeux N.9"
Gouache & china ink.

Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")


Caretos in the Wall

"FINE-ROOMS" studio developed the decoration concept for this Hotel in Hamburg.
My paintings are already hanging on the wall and I like it!
Photo courtesy of Steffi Stagge for "Fine Rooms"
I love the cosy and elegant atmosphere, the warmth of the wood and colors they chose and the vintage air.
Photo courtesy of Steffi Stagge for "Fine Rooms"
If you want to see some pics of the work in progress, click here.

Caretos in progress...

Here some pics of my work in progress, last July.

And here a brief text about this serie "Caretos". It is in german, may be you understand? 
Thanks to the diligent, dear Gregor, who wrote those lines about my work:

"Die Caretos entstanden aus dem beiläufigen Zeichnen und dem Anmischen von Farben währen des Telefonierens. Irgendwann verdichteten sich die Skizzen zu Bildern und es entstanden wilde Schauspiele menschlicher Gemütszustände mit einem Hang ins Absurde und Skurrile, irgendwo unter Wasser oder im Scheinwerferlicht einer Bühne. Die zappelnden und gedrängten Menschen küssen, streiten, grinsen, staunen, starren, lachen oder bangen. So entstanden aufblitzende Momenteindrücke entgleitender Mienen, ein buntes Treiben menschlicher Grimassen – auf spanisch: Caretos."


Visages d'outremer

or Faces from the other seaside, or something like that...
From the Series "Caretos".

This is one of the paintings that I made last July for an hotel in Hamburg....and soon more! 

Yes, I'm back!


Petits Jeux N.8

Seeds, leaves, 
mussels or insect wings.. 
All these could be. Something organic for sure. And I am still keeping this red/pale blue combination too.

"Petits Jeux N.8"
Gouache & china ink.
Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")


Three Companions

or co-workers, or just friends, or friends of friends... But they know each other, I guess, and they are three, I see.

Three Companions
Gouache & Ink on Hahnemuehle paper.
Size: A5 (21 x 14,8 cm, 6" x 8")


Some LOVE words

For those who need them: for ALL of you.
International  Love Quote
Gouache & Ink on Hahnemuehle paper.
Size: A5 (21 x 14,8 cm, 6" x 8")
And a Love Song
(you know already, I like Cat Stevens, and I like just guitar + voice music)

Do you have an idea? do you want me to design your own quote, love message? send me an email to:
email at catilustre.com
I am glad to hear from you! :)



Petits Jeux N.2

And what does this one make you think about? I think about a Japanese fish or a beautiful indian peafowl...

"Petits Jeux N.2"
Watercolor, gouache & china ink.
Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")


Faces mess

again and again
China ink, watercolor & red pencil
Size A5 (15 x 21 cm, 6" x 8")

What is queer today is not queer tomorrow

Exhibition and Events, 14. Juni – 10. August 2014
If you are in Berlin, come this Friday 13th Juni, in the evening to the Opening of "What is queer today is not queer tomorrow" in the nGbK, Oranienstrasse 24. 

It will be every kind of art, music and party. And beneath the project of Alex Giegold & Tomka Weiß, I am presenting 6 drawings, a kind of human-landscapes this time. Just drop by and you will see!


Petits Jeux N.1

Alisa means, it reminds her something around seashore and beach. Could be.
The woman who bought it last Sunday, said it just reminded her of the 40's.
For me it is just something approaching noise and music.
Watercolor, gouache & china ink.

"Petits Jeux N.1"
Watercolor, gouache & china ink.
Size: A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5")


Kind of Mussels.

 try it! do you guess on what am I working now?  something totally different and out of my habitude... and it is really being a challenge, I will tell you more in the upcoming days :)


This Sunday, 1st June: Oberbaumbrücke

This year again, I am having a stand in this Open Air Gallery, at the bridge between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain.
Hopefully is the weather nice!
Come if you are in Berlin, I am very glad of numerous and joyful visitors!
