

her intention was good,
she just wanted to make happier the room...
But mum didn't understand...

9 comentarios:

Rebecca dijo...

So sweet! Love your line quality and colors!

Hannah dijo...

I love this! Its so expressive and the limited colour palette is beautiful.

maharelillo dijo...

Lovely atmosphere and idea !

Kristy Orr dijo...

Such a cute guilty face.

Creations By Mit dijo...

Wonderful innocent expression! Great story telling!

Catilustre dijo...

Thank you Rebecca, Hannah, Marie Alice, Kristy and Creations By Mit, for your kind comments! :) I guess you know a similar story not so far away :)

jolly mongoose dijo...

ha ha, nice one. i've had this desire so i understand this little girl :-)

Catilustre dijo...

thank you Jolly moongoose.. so you too, haha! :)

Dan Kent dijo...

Beautiful! Wonderful idea and magnificent, tender drawing.