
IF: Celebrate

Well, I think today is the Day!

9 comentarios:

Peter Breese dijo...

Very nice line work! This is such a playful and welcoming piece. It looks like you had a lot of fun making it.

Anónimo dijo...

Well, today was the day, but it's nice making a tribute to love everyday. Wonderful line work and energy!

Kstyles dijo...

Very nice!

Anónimo dijo...

Lovely!! I wish I was in a similar situation!!:(

Anónimo dijo...

Very nice illo ! I adore the style and the idea !!!

Catilustre dijo...

thank you, lovely people!
Abh, come on, you can find love everywhere and in every thing... hahaha, it helps, but it is not a miraclous medicin ;-))))

Caroline dijo...

Fantastic!! Love it!

Caroline dijo...

Hi Cati - I am really enjoying your blog and would like to give you this little award! http://carolinesstudio.blogspot.com/2009/02/7-things-i-love.html

Anónimo dijo...

Now that is just so cute and so appropriate for the day! Bravo!