

This is the Sheep Parade
I guess we will see one in not too much time..

13 comentarios:

Coreopsis dijo...

I love both the subject and the technique. We see far too many sheep in today's society. It's a beautiful picture.

leolietje dijo...


janie dijo...

very funny, are these Little Bo Peep's sheep?:)

Burt dijo...

Pigsss are walking! Pigs are walking!

Awesome illustration.

Peter Breese dijo...

Ha ha hilarious and great to see the sketch!!

Zari dijo...

awesome piece and concept!

Catilustre dijo...

Hello everyone! And thanks for your comments, I have to do my suitcase but I'll visit your blogs!

Coreopsis: yes, first I thought linked to "parade" was: humans as sheeps...then it evoluated to poor sheeps! they also have the right to claim! claim for grass and green space!!
Burt: were do you see the pigs??hahaha, your comment makes me laugh! - I tried to draw sheeps, not pigs!
Jannie, you will have to sing that, I don't know this song...
PEter, nice to hear from you
hughs for all!

Christine dijo...

I love what your illustration conveys and the way it's presented. Great work.

justdoodleit dijo...

This is funny CATI, also love the way you have painted the skyline!

Caroline dijo...

Hello Cati! Sheep rule!! This is a super illustration - so amusing and such a clever idea! I love the way you've painted the background and the expressions on the faces of those sheep.

get zapped dijo...


Catilustre dijo...

thanl you, Christine, Justdoodleit Caroline, Get Zapped..
I amused a lot making this drawing :-)

Tomás Serrano dijo...

Me he pasado por tus tres blogs y me han encantado. Los tres. En este me gusta mucho poder ver los bocetos iniciales y los resultados. Los dibujos del de arquitectura (¿eres arquitecta?)y del de naturaleza son fantásticos. Gran descubrimiento.